Wednesday, May 10, 2006

You may ask why I have chosen this title for my personal blog. Let me go into a little about myself to answer your questions. Back on January 23, 2005, I went to work as usual. I cleaned at a car dealership about thirty minutes away from my house. When I arrived at work, I did not turn on the radio as I always did. This particular night did not seem like the usual night. Shortly after I began to work, I caught myself doing what I usually do when I am by myself. I was singing at the top of my lungs. I began to sing the song For What Ever it Takes to Draw Closer to Thee, That's What I'll be Willing to do. Something inside of me told me to think about the words that I was singing so I did. It was at this time, that I realized that I did not mean what I was singing. I was did not want God to do what ever it took to draw me closer to Him. My life was a fake. I began to think back through my life and all the things that I had done against myself, others, and most importantly, God. I will further explain in other postings. Finally, God was getting ahold of my attention. I began to pray earnestly that God would do what ever it takes to make me what I should be. Then it all happened. Two days later, on January 25, 2005, my youth group went on a ski trip up to Wisconsin. At about three o' clock, I was going up the ski lift and saw a group of my friends down one of the more difficult slopes. I thought they were just resting so I did not pay any attention to them. My next ride up, they were still there and a fellow skier informed me that one of our teens was hurt. When I reached the top, one of my friends told me that it was, Mary Johnson. Yes, she was one of my good friends. I got into frantic mode. I skied about half-way down the slope and then ran the other half. When I got to the turn off, I was met by one of the emergency personnel. He told me that it was too serious and that, we could not go down there. I walked down and just watched from across some trees. This was the first time that I ever really realized that in my life, I had to and could only Trust in God. I watched for a little while. but in my shock I could only stay for a few minutes. I went down the slope, turned in my skis and prepared to leave. When I was ready to go, I got informed on Mary's condition. I only caught bits and pieces. This is what I heard. She cannot walk, talk, breathe, and her back and neck are broken. I could not believe my ears. This was the closest that death has ever been to me. I thought for sure that she would die. One of the helpers in the youth group came over, as I was staring at the mountain in unbelief, and put his arm on my shoulder. I over heard another comment that she had to be life flighted out of there. I did not belief it until, I turned around and saw a Coast Gaurd chopper flying in. It was at the point that I broke down in tears. It was the first time in a long, long time that I had cryed. The helper looked at me and told me something that I will never forget, "Jim all we can do is leave it in God's hands. He knows what he is doing." We prayed right there and asked God to spare her life. I knew what God was doing. He was doing what ever it would take to get me where I should be. I knew that was what he was doing. Thankfully, it worked. Over the next few days and weeks, I made some drastic changes in my life. My life would be changed for ever. Shortly after getting right with God, I was called into full time service. I thought that God was calling me to be a teacher so I surrendered to do it. During the next summer, we had a revival meeting that went on for about three weeks. It was during this time that I knew God wanted me to be a youth evangelist. I did not want to do this out of pure emotion so I have waited and prayed about it. He showed me in this last Preaching Conference that I am to be an evangelist. I have always kept a close eye on current events, but since that day I have looked at them differently. I have seen how wicked America actually is. I have reallized with an emphasis on the youth that the only wasy to keep this country a float is by reaching the youth.

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