The first Friday that dad was gone, we took the afternoon and went to Zao Island in Valparaiso. Following our expensive go-cart ride and some time in the batting cages, we found ourselves at the local McDonald's and then ended up across the street at Oberweis Ice Cream shop there in Valparaiso. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Look Out Racing World. Here comes the world's second woman Nascar Driver. She'll beat them all!
AND THE WINNER IS: LINDSEY LESLIE. Even though she came in behind everyone else on the track and they even had to turn her engine down on the throttle so that she would slow down enough to stop. But Her hand was raced in victory and she is proud of that fact
You might have thought Nascar was in for a surprise awakening but I am telling you that Major League Baseball has a bigger star than that on the horizon.
And to top that off, she has just added a third sport to her professional athletic resume. How many athletes do you know that play three different sports, in one day at that. She just added motorcycle racing. Hey, she would probably do better than I would, but really, can you picture Lindsey riding on a motorcycle. It is quite the site to imagine.
Jim Leslie
Go Lindsey!!! =D
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